Butterfly Pea also known as Aparjita, after a form of the Goddess Durga that embodies the unconquered, is a flower native to South Asia used to make tea that has a vivid blue colour.
In Ayurvedic Tradition, the flower is used mainly to support healthy brain function and memory. It is also said to regulate stress and enhance overall mood. Butterfly Pea boosts Acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that plays an essential role in brain functions controlling memory and movement.
Steep 4 or more flowers for 5 minutes in hot water and enjoy the light earthy taste of this natural brain tonic.
Net Weight: 35 g
Butterfly Pea also known as Aparjita, after a form of the Goddess Durga that embodies the unconquered, is a flower native to South Asia used to make tea that has a vivid blue colour.
In Ayurvedic Tradition, the flower is used mainly to support healthy brain function and memory. It is also said to regulate stress and enhance overall mood. Butterfly Pea boosts Acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that plays an essential role in brain functions controlling memory and movement.
Steep 4 or more flowers for 5 minutes in hot water and enjoy the light earthy taste of this natural brain tonic.
Net Weight: 35 g
Butterfly Pea also known as Aparjita, after a form of the Goddess Durga that embodies the unconquered, is a flower native to South Asia used to make tea that has a vivid blue colour.
In Ayurvedic Tradition, the flower is used mainly to support healthy brain function and memory. It is also said to regulate stress and enhance overall mood. Butterfly Pea boosts Acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that plays an essential role in brain functions controlling memory and movement.
Steep 4 or more flowers for 5 minutes in hot water and enjoy the light earthy taste of this natural brain tonic.
Net Weight: 35 g