In a city well known as heart of Colombo, an elderly woman, renowned for her intricate corded handbags, found new inspiration through a designer she met at a local retail store. With newfound courage, she transformed her traditional craft into a stunning collection that blended classic elegance with contemporary flair.
Each handbag tells a story of resilience and creativity, woven together by hands that have mastered the art of both craft and courage. Discover the timeless beauty of her creations, where every stitch is a testament to a journey from tradition to innovation.
Measurements: 50 x 28 cm flat
In a city well known as heart of Colombo, an elderly woman, renowned for her intricate corded handbags, found new inspiration through a designer she met at a local retail store. With newfound courage, she transformed her traditional craft into a stunning collection that blended classic elegance with contemporary flair.
Each handbag tells a story of resilience and creativity, woven together by hands that have mastered the art of both craft and courage. Discover the timeless beauty of her creations, where every stitch is a testament to a journey from tradition to innovation.
Measurements: 50 x 28 cm flat
In a city well known as heart of Colombo, an elderly woman, renowned for her intricate corded handbags, found new inspiration through a designer she met at a local retail store. With newfound courage, she transformed her traditional craft into a stunning collection that blended classic elegance with contemporary flair.
Each handbag tells a story of resilience and creativity, woven together by hands that have mastered the art of both craft and courage. Discover the timeless beauty of her creations, where every stitch is a testament to a journey from tradition to innovation.
Measurements: 50 x 28 cm flat